Relisten to the event's debates and roundtable discussions
- Opening speech by Mathieu Michel, State Secretary for Digitalisation in charge of Administrative Simplification, Privacy and Buildings Administration
- Keynote Speeches: Visions for the future of technologies
- Lucilla Sioli, Director for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry, DG CONNECT, European Commission
- Bart Becks, Board at the European Innovation Council
- Steven Latré, Lead AI Research, IMEC, Professor at University of Antwerp
- Stijn Christiaens, Co-founder & Chief Data Citizen, Collibra
- Moderator: Francesca Vanthielen, Conference host
- Roundtable: Web3 and Blockchain Discussion on Web3, Blockchain and used cases. What are the challenges and the next steps for European Blockchain?
- Amaryllis Verhoeven, Acting Director – Ecosystems II: Tourism, Textiles, Digital Transformation of Industry, and Social Economy, DG GROW, European Commission
- Gemma Carolillo, Deputy Head of Unit, Next Generation Internet, DG CONNECT, European Commission
- Matthew Van Niekerk, CEO and Co-Founder, Settlemint
- Daniel Du Seuil, Project Manager Digital Transformation, Howest
- Adriana Torres Verga, EU policy officer, ADAN (Web3 Industry)
- Moderator: Jack Hamande, Director General DG Simplification and Digitalisation, Federal Public Service Policy and Support
- Session I - AI Governance Discussion on AI and Governance. What are the opportunities and obstacles of the current framework? What are the challenges at the international level?
- Thibaut Kleiner, Director of Policy Strategy and Outreach, DG CONNECT, European Commission
- Audrey Plonk, Head of the Digital Economy Policy (DEP) Division of the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), OECD
- Sandro Gianella, Head of European Policy & Partnerships, OpenAI
- Karen Massin, Head Government Affairs and Public Policy – EU Institutions, Google
- To be officially announced, Director of Public Affairs, Mistral AI
- Moderator: Sevara Irgacheva, Director, Technology Media and Telecom, Strategic Communications, FTI Consulting
- Session II – AI Ethics, Transparency, Trust Discussion on AI Ethics, Transparency, Trust. What ethical considerations should be integrated into AI governance frameworks to ensure responsible and fair use of advanced technologies? Challenges of digital transition and green transition: how can AI enable a better balance between the two? and concluding remarks
- Petra De Sutter, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Public Administration, Public Enterprises, Telecommunication and Postal Services
- Paul Midy, Member of the French National Assembly
- Bernard Magenhann, Deputy Director General DG Joint Research Centre (ECAT), European Commission
- Patrick Charlier, Director, UNIA
- Ylwa Rein, Manager Global Public Policy Strategy & Advocacy, Wolt
- Moderator: Sevara Irgacheva, Director, Technology Media and Telecom, Strategic Communications, FTI Consulting