On 8 May 2024, the Data and AI Ethics Advisory Committee of the FPS BOSA was officially appointed by ministerial decree.
At the beginning of 2024, the FPS BOSA launched a call for candidates to set up a Data and AI Ethics Advisory Committee for the federal administration (hereafter referred to as the Committee). Its members were officially appointed by ministerial decree on 8 May 2024.
The Committee formulates opinions at the request of a federal department or a member of the federal government, a body of the federal administrative civil service, or on its own initiative on behalf of a body of a federal department or a member of the federal government. These opinions are scientifically based and relate to ethical, legal, social and environmental issues concerning AI, robotics and related technologies that are used within government and may have a significant impact on individual or societal interests.
The creation of this Committee has several objectives:
- Raising awareness among civil servants in relation to the use of data and AI, removing uncertainties within public services to implement technology and preserving human oversight and civil servants' expertise in AI applications;
- Raising awareness among civil servants about the ethical aspects associated with the use of data, including the impact of data on certain fundamental rights of citizens and workers (such as privacy, dignity and non-discrimination), ensuring inclusion and transparency at all times and respect for values such as human rights, democracy and the rule of law;
- Sending a signal to citizens that the federal administration is setting an example and treating digital technology ethically and innovatively, in which people always remain at the centre and technology is only a means of improving the well-being of citizens. In this way, public confidence in data technology is maintained and strengthened.
Committee members:
- Chairman: Dr. Rob Heyman
- Prof. Dr. Mark Coeckelbergh
- Dr. Caroline Vandenplas
- Mona Caroline Chamas
- Dr. Thibault Helleputte
The secretariat is provided by the FPS BOSA.