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Online webinars van EIPA in september

Publication date
01 september 2022

Het European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) verzorgt binnenkort een aantal gratis online webinars rond interessante topics.

De webinars zijn in het Engels. Alle info en link om in te schrijven vind je hieronder.

8 September 2022 – Working with complexity

The increasing complexity of policies requires governments and administrations to adapt and to find new and innovative solutions. In this workshop, we discuss how policy makers and administrations can cope with complexity, and how the challenge of increasing complexity can be seen as providing opportunities for innovation. Register here.

16 September 2022 – Crisis management: preparedness and response

Recent health crisis and natural disasters have highlighted the urgent need for effective crisis management to increase preparedness and capabilities for response. In this workshop, we will present EU policies and initiatives, and discuss opportunities and challenges of transboundary crisis management. Register here.

22 September 2022 – Strategic Foresight

To anticipate the future is of utmost importance for governments to being able to adapt and prepare for change. In this workshop, we will present various EU initiatives and tools to integrate strategic foresight in policy making, and we will discuss the importance of administrative capacities for system resilience and preparedness. Register here

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