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About the FPS BOSA

As a key component of the federal administration, the FPS Policy and Support (BOSA) contributes to a modern administration at the service of citizens and businesses. We do this by working with our partners on a forward-looking federal HR and well-being policy, strengthening the administration to make it a digital pioneer that earns and retains society's trust, and shaping a federal administration accountable for the quality of its public spending.

Table of contents

  • Created on 1 March 2017, the Federal Public Service (FPS) Policy and Support assists the government and supports federal organisations in various areas: IT, HR, organisational control and integrity policy, budget, accounting and public procurement.

    The FPS Policy and Support is the result of the integration of the services of the FPS Personnel and Organisation (including Travaillerpour.be, IFA, FED+ and PersoPoint), the FPS Budget and Management Control, Fedict and Empreva into a single entity. This is in keeping with the general context of the 'redesign' of the federal administration launched by the government in its agreement of 9 October 2014.

  • Mission, vision, values

    • Our Clients

      Would you like to know who our clients are and who we work with regularly?

      More about our clients?


    • Our values

      The FPS BOSA values cooperation, client orientation, respectful treatment of people and resources and accountability.

      More about our values


    • Strategic plan

      The strategic plan contains the commitments made for the period from 1 January 2021 to the end of the current legislation by the FPS BOSA and the federal government, represented by Minister De Sutter, Secretary of State Michel and Secretary of State Bertrand.

      More about the strategic plan


    • Sustainable development

      The FPS BOSA is committed to sustainable development by systematically factoring in economic, social and environmental aspects in the course of its duties and day-to-day operations.

      More about sustainable development


    • Vision note

      As a key component of the federal administration, the FPS BOSA contributes to a modern administration at the service of citizens and businesses.

      More about our vision


  • Our management

    The FPS Policy and Support is run by a Management Committee.

    The Management Committee

    The Management Committee is responsible for the organisation, management and coordination of the FPS Policy and Support. It is composed of the following persons:

  • The Client Steering Committee

    The Client Steering Committee advises the FPS Policy and Support on its tasks. It consists of

    • five representatives of the college of chairmen of the federal public services and public planning services
    • three representatives of the college of chief executives of public social security institutions
    • two representatives of the college of chief executives of public interest organisations
  • Organisation chart

    The FPS Policy and Support has six directorates-general

  • Other services

    The Chairman's Office is responsible for policy coordination and supports the management of the FPS BOSA. Several specific functions report directly to the Chairman.

    The FPS Policy and Support also has an internal service for prevention and protection at work. This service defines and implements measures to secure the well-being of the FPS Policy and Support staff.

  • Our Ministers and State Secretaries

    The following Ministers and/or State Secretaries come under the FPS BOSA.

  • Key numbers

  • International consultative bodies of which the FPS BOSA is a member

    The FPS BOSA is active in various ways on the international stage through international meetings, administrative cooperation projects and the European Social Dialogue Committee for central government administrations.

    More on the consultative bodies


  • Annual reports

    The annual reports of the FPS BOSA are currently available in French and Dutch only.

  • Travailler pour le SPF BOSA